About the Journal

Psychology Nexus is a prestigious international peer-reviewed journal committed to advancing the frontiers of psychology in both traditional and novel areas. This journal seeks to publish high-quality scientific papers that make significant contributions to the understanding, development, and practical application of psychological principles and theories.

Psychology Nexus's scope includes, but is not limited to:

  • Clinical Psychology: Delving into the theoretical and practical aspects of psychological assessment, therapy, and intervention, addressing mental health, developmental disorders, and therapeutic outcomes.
  • Cognitive Psychology: Exploring human cognition, including perception, thought, memory, and decision-making processes. The journal welcomes groundbreaking research on cognitive functions and their applications.
  • Developmental Psychology: Focusing on human psychological development throughout the lifespan, encompassing childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and aging.
  • Social Psychology: Investigating how individual behavior is influenced by social interactions and societal structures, covering topics such as group dynamics, social perception, and the psychology of social networks.
  • Neuropsychology: Bridging psychology with neuroscience, exploring how brain function affects behavior, covering areas like cognitive impairments, brain injuries, and neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • Applied Psychology: Addressing the application of psychological theories and principles in various real-world settings, such as educational, organizational, and forensic psychology.

Psychology Nexus also emphasizes:

  • Emerging Trends and Novel Approaches: Showcasing innovative research and methodologies in psychology, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and application in the field.
  • Interdisciplinary Integration: Encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration to address complex psychological questions, integrating insights from neuroscience, sociology, philosophy, and other related fields.
  • Ethical Research and Practice: Upholding high ethical standards in research and publication, in line with international best practices.

Publication Details:

  • Publication Frequency: Psychology Nexus publishes two online issue per year, continually adding processed and accepted papers throughout the year.
  • Open Access: The journal is open access, allowing free access to its content for users and institutions globally.
  • eISSN (Online): xxxx-xxxx
  • Publication Fee: Free of charge.
  • Publishers: Research Expansion Alliance

Psychology Nexus serves as a vital platform for disseminating impactful research that bridges various domains within psychology, fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration and innovation. By promoting advanced psychological theories, methodologies, and practices, the journal contributes to the enhancement of knowledge and application in diverse fields of psychology.